Taking "The Boiling Crab" Home for A Night

Seafood lovers more than likely have heard of this place if they haven’t been there yet. It’s a place to hang out with friends or your family to celebrate a special occasion or simply to feast on the fresh and delectable array of seafood. I don’t want to sound like the restaurant’s advertisement but all I can say is it’s worth the long wait to be seated. And if you hate long lines and long wait; there is always a solution. Bring “The Boiling Crab” to your own kitchen and make your own version like we did last night. Unlike at TBC, I just cooked the shrimps, sausages and golden corn on the cob in a big wok, with butter, salt, chili flakes and Cajun seasoning and presto! It’s like TBC’s Cajun shrimps in the comfort of our home.


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