
Yes they’re here! The cream of the crop (the sweetest, plumpiest and most fragrant) have yet to make the grand entrance as it is early in the mango season but I see them in some Asian stores and in fact, I grabbed a box last weekend in preparation for what would be the main attraction in my project which I named Project: An Angel Food Cake A Day. I am talking about mangoes, those heart-shaped fruits with luscious and delectable flesh which I’m proud to say, Philippines produces the best and the country’s national fruit. I love mangoes when they’re still green, yellow, yellow green, sweet, sour, sweet and sour at the same time and there’s just so much I can do with them. I have a mango tree which I bought almost two years ago but while it is still there in our backyard and has not died- it has not really grown no matter what the gardener does. I can not pronounce it dead because it’s still standing firmly on the ground. I guess I will never see the day when I will pick my mangoes from my own tree. But this weekend, I will be making my Mango Crunch Angel Food Cake first and then maybe deal with my mango tree later.


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