Gifts from my FG's

Love begets love! Not talking about romance because that’s not 100% true- I mean, for everyone. But my love for making good eats and sharing the wealth does pay off. I got some more gifts from my fairy godmothers- little tokens of appreciation so to speak. They may be lazy leaving comments after tasting my food but they do it another way.

Like this way ....

These are tart rings from T which I've been coveting for so long for a project that has been lingering in my mental drawing board for a long time. The package has a bonus pastry bag too. Now I can work on the project so stay tuned :-)

And this way…

These are bags of my favorite dark chocolate in chunks from K because she knows I love dark chocs and use them most of the time for baking. I can’t complain. I’m just gonna keep sharing my food- not that I want something in return but these quotations ring true I suppose "A cake baked for a friend; tart rings it will bring" which is actually mine ha ha ha and " and "There's nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with CHOCOLATE" and that's from Linda Grayson.

So thanks again Fairy Godmothers for your wonderful gifts and rest assured we will continue to share and enjoy whatever your cook friend who's not a chef whips and bakes in the kitchen.


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